Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Forgive me the post title, but that's what I thought when I have seen the video below. And it's not about the fact that it's about Harry Potter. It's about the animated figurines made of book pages.

via A White Casousel

Beautiful and enchanting - the more I think about it, the more I realise the beauty of printed text. Lines of letters on a creamy backgound - on the one hand very structured, aligned, restricted with margines, paragraphs ect, but on the other organic and chaotic. When I was little I used to imagine every page has a hidden game between the lines of the story - that the letters form a labyrynth and there is a 'path' between them. Also the slightly rough texture of the paper adds a lot to it, causing tiny defects in print and giving each letter unique shape. No Kindle can provide that.

So take this piece of art: a printed page texture and make it into a poetic, fairytale landscape with tiny figures of spiders galloping through hills formed by book pages. Isn't it pretty? Not sure if it fits the style Harry Potter though - I'd rather animate some sort of philosophical story this way...  One day maybe.

but don't get me wrong - I'm so signing in!

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